Enne Tours
Departing from the village of Soutelo, there are 12.6 kilometers of walking, always climbing, until reaching the highest point of the Serra do Marão, at 1416 meters, which a geodetic landmark marks. From here, with Senhora da Serra at your side, you can enjoy breathtaking views over cliffs, forested and grazing areas, or villages of granite and shale, inhabited by people who resist. Here and there, the landscape is dotted with herds of goats and sheep and Maranese cattle that, at night, take the path of the villages ...

Walking Tours in the Serra do Marão
Pedestrian walks through the Serra do Marão, organized and guided. Routes of 2, 4 and 6 hours. Services include guides, water, snacks and insurance. Option to transport passengers, snack or lunch.

North Adventure Amarante
Rio Marão Walk – PR6
The Little Route PR6-Rio Marão starts in the center of the village of Ansiães, from Largo da Pinha, close to the headquarters of the Parish Council. Follow the path on an ancient sidewalk, ascending, called the "Santo António" path and cross the places of Eido, Peso and Coval. From Ansiães continue towards Viveiro das Trutas (Torno), Alto de Espinho, Pousada de S. Gonçalo and from here to the Vale da Ribeira do Ramalhoso… It's about 3.5 hours of walking, through diverse landscapes and flora.

North Adventure Amarante
River Olo Walk
Whoever embarks on this trip almost always ends up repeating the experience.
And the reason is simple: the adventure is not in the challenge or overcoming difficulties, but in the simple enjoyment of a walk, accompanied by guides of the specialty or in previously established and identified trails.

Inside Experiences
Inside Walking Tours
The Invitation is to visit the mountains of Amarante and walk along trails that make their way through the mountains. What is proposed is that those who follow us enjoy the landscape and animal life that inhabits the mountains; to get to know its entire history; to take the route of the mines of Marão or the dolmens of Aboboreira… The hikes will be created in such a way as to have a distance and difficulty to the measure of tourists and visitors.